mercoledì 15 gennaio 2014


Vivisection is the type of "research" that enables "scientists" to obtain huge subsidies from government and private sources on the assumption plausible to the incompetent - that the more animals used in an experiment the more reliable the results may be.
SLAUGHTER OF THE INNOCENT 1978 by Hans Ruesch This is the English edition – in fact a much longer book – of Imperatrice nuda. Its somewhat ambiguous title was the publisher’s decision; however the subtitle explained what was meant by it: “Stop the senseless, bloody torture of millions of animals in laboratories all over the world. The breakthrough book that will shock you, enrage you, tear your heart out”. In fact Ruesch wanted the title to be “Naked empress” (like in the original Italian version); he will use the intended original title for the folloup book. _____________________________ Part One THE PORK BARREL For all its inconceivable savagery and utter uselessness, animal experimentation keeps running wild in the medical schools of the so - called civilized world, increasing from year to year. How is it possible? The foremost reason is pecuniary gain. Vivisection is the type of "research" that enables "scientists" to obtain huge subsidies from government and private sources on the assumption plausible to the incompetent - that the more animals used in an experiment the more reliable the results may be. Let us examine the consequence of this assumption in the light of a single case - the experiment involving 15,000 animals scalded to death, to retest the already well known effectiveness of a liver extract for the victims of shock. The experiment was reported in two standard medical publications, Journal of the American Medical Association (July 10, 1943) and Journal of Clinical Investigation (Sept. 1944), by Myron Prinzmetal, Oscar Hechter, Clara Margoles and George Feigen, of the research laboratory of Cedars of Lebanon Hospital and the University of Southern California Medical School. It was known in advance that practicing physicians had tried and approved the liver extract, but the afore-named wanted to affirm in their report that they had used "a sufficient number of animals to yield results of statistical significance." Thus they disclosed their own ignorance of elementary statistics. It is a statistical fact that if you flip a coin 6 times, it may come up heads all 6 times. But if you go on flipping, it will start to come up tails. If you continue flipping up to a total of some 300 times, the "law of averages" will definitely assert itself. This law operates in such a fashion that if you go on flipping a coin, heads will turn up half the time within very narrow limits. At 150 flips or at 1,500 flips the 50:50 ratio will still be off by only a few flips, getting ever closer to the ideal difference between heads and tails of O.S. In other words, the law of averages is a mathematical law, not theoretical fancy. At *500 flips, the heads - tails average is close to 50:50, and stays so even if one goes on flipping to a total of 1,000 or 10,000 or 100,000. In short, assuming that a point is worth proving statistically, it can be thus proven in fairly short order. Now a question arises: Is it possible that not one among the numerous "scientists" who knew about this giant experiment -which lasted a number of years - was aware of this simple rule known to most schoolboys? And permitted not 50, not 150, not 1,500, but 15,000 animals to be scalded to death in order to prove a point already known? Everything is possible. But one thing is sure: The sacrifice of 15,000 animals makes it much easier to explain where a large sum of money went than if only 50 animals had been used. In fact it wouldn't be possible to spend the billions of dollars the U.S. government gives to medical research at home and abroad if the researchers didn't constantly think up new experiments, besides repeating the old classical standbys. In other words, first there is the money, then means must be found to spend it. This explains why some of the American "studies" have included: 1) facial expressions; 2) the anal temperatures of the Alaskan sled dog; 3) the nervous system of the Chilean squid; 4) the dental arches of Australian aborigines. Bilking the taxpayer, the U.S. government granted $100 million in 1940 for "research" at home and abroad, $1 billion in 1949, $8 billion in 1960, $15 billion in 1970 - and an estimated $25 billion in 1975-and the temperature keeps rising. Here's how some of this tax money was squandered: $30,000 to turn rats into alcoholics, under the pretext of curing human alcoholism, although in man alcoholism has deep psychological roots, whereas rats are by nature well balanced teetotalers. $ 1,000,000 to study the mother love of monkeys. $500,000 to study the love life of the flea. $148,000 to find out why chickens grow feathers. $1,000,000 to study the mating call of the mosquito. $102,000 to study the effects of gin compared to the effects of tequila administered to Atlantic fish. $500,000 to find out why monkeys clench their jaws in anger. The money grant for this idiocy went to Dr. Ronald Hutchinson of Kalamazoo State Hospital in Michigan, whom Senator William Proxmire consequently proposed for the Golden Fleece Award of the month (Congressional Record, Apr. 18, 1975). $525,000 in grants from the National Institutes of Health (between 1950 and 1963) to help Dr. S. C. Wang of New Yorks Columbia University induce vomiting in dogs and cats by various methods (swinging, drugs, electrical stimulation of the brain, etc.) in order to find out the differences in the vomiting mechanism between the two species. $92,000,000 for the costliest failure of them all, when Bonny, a small chimpanzee, was launched on an abortive space flight. No less than the National Aeronautical and Space Administration planned and conducted with federal money this abysmal flop, involving America's top scientists and physicists. With dozens of electronic sensors implanted in her brain and catheters in her arteries, Bonny was launched inside a biosatellite into an earth orbit pro-rammed to last 30 days. But she soon became sick and was brought back to earth dead. The big team of medical specialists on the space program were unable to find out why. A reasonable assumption would be that Bonny died of fear, misery, loneliness and despair. And certainly in pain. Body functions surely do not become inoperative without acute physical distress-something too difficult to be understood by the pseudo-scientists of our day. On July 10, 1969, the New York Daily News reported: "Col. John (Shorty) Powers, who resigned five years ago from Nasa, today criticized the abortive flight of Bonny, the space monkey, as 'a complete and total waste of $92 million of my money.' Powers, who kept the public informed about previous space efforts as the £ voice' of mission control, said, 'You can learn more from a computer than a monkey. We finished with monkeys five years ago. The government subsidies everywhere represent one major incentive to vivisection, another comes from the pharmaceutical companies. The vivisectionist method enables them to flood the world with their products - usually the same ones, in new combinations and with different names-which promise to repair the damages caused by the earlier products that have meanwhile been withdrawn, having proven to be useless or harmful. The new products will be replaced sooner or later by other "new" products (different labels, same ingredients), equally useless or harmful except to the world's most lucrative industry. Federal funds spent annually in the U.S. for research and development in industry and science amount to an estimated $25 billion. It isn't enough, say the rich beggars, who never give a thought to the poor, the sick, and the underprivileged. One microbiologist at a science writers' seminar even suggested that Social Security taxes be, increased to get more money for "biomedical research," namely vivisection. Every day they come, literally thousands of them, palms up, to the coffers of government, presenting their "project" papers, all filled out according to bureaucratic stipulations. To the huge sums the U.S. government and drug manufacturers spend for research - to which the taxpayers contribute willy-nilly- must be added the donations of individual citizens, most of whom dont remotely know how their donations are really being used. If pecuniary gain is the principal incentive to vivisection, another incentive is careerism, the cousin of greed-the desire to obtain, without effort or talent, a university degree, a professorship, or a sliver of pseudo-scientific notoriety. Usually this is achieved through the performance of some traditional experiment, described in every treatise on physiology, which has as much scientific value as if somebody proceeded to reinvent the umbrella. With one difference: making an umbrella would be far more difficult. A further powerful push to vivisection comes from a category that perhaps should have been mentioned in the first place, for they originated the senseless experiments that in the course of the last century became accepted as a demonstration of intelligence: the sadists. If it is a mistake to believe that all vivisectors are sadists, it would be a far bigger mistake to think that sadism doesn't loom very large in this practice. Experimenters who crush dogs' legs in the Blalock Press-repeating an exercise in shock that has been done in all American medical schools hundreds of thousands of times, or hammer the testicles of cats to a pulp in order to see once again how that will affect their sex lives, done for 14 consecutive years up to, 1976 at the New York Museum of Natural History - will always claim that they want to satisfy their "scientific' curiosity. Many people would call it sadistic curiosity. Sadism exists. Psychologists assure us that there are traces of it in all of us. We see it in the child who pulls the wings from an insect, or locks the kitten in the washing machine. At such times education should intervene. Through the realization of what these actions do, the child may be able to nip such sadistic tendencies in the bud. These feelings may change to compassion. But when sadism manifests itself in an adult, taking forms that make us shudder with disgust and indignation, it is a sign of sickness, of a serious mental disorder. The psychologists assure us that this pathologic state is not as rare as most people imagine. Could there be a more convenient activity for a sadist than vivisection? It enables a person to satisfy those tendencies, and even to gain a slice of "scientific" glory in the process, or at least an easy income. _____________________________ Album description: - Scientific Information: The Hans Ruesch Foundation for a Medicine Without Vivisection - Main publications by Hans Ruesch on vivisection - Hans Ruesch per l'abolizione della vivisezione. Ora. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - La vivisección es un método fraudulento por medio del cual se comercializan fármacos ineficaces y peligrosos; y agentes nocivos que son introducidos en el medio ambiente, en nuestros alimentos y en nuestra vida cotidiana. Es un método que ha sido y es catastrófico y mortal para miles de personas, y ha cobrado y cobra la vida de millones de animales cada año. Es un método que solamente es útil a quienes consiguen dinero, fama y poder con él: la industria farmacéutica, figuras universitarias, criadores de animales, etc. La lucha por la abolición de la vivisección es una lucha por una medicina confiable, contra una metodología que es bárbara y pseudocientífica. Es una lucha política, porque existen grupos que lucran con el sufrimiento que la vivisección provoca a humanos y animales. Tales grupos (en primer lugar, pero no los únicos, las transnacionales petro-químico-farmacéuticas) tienen sus representantes en los gobiernos, en los partidos políticos, en las universidades de todo el mundo y, también, en algunas asociaciones "animalistas". Ver acqui: - - Viviseccion es Fraude - TIEMPO ANIMAL: Revista crítica de reflexión y análisis para una nueva cultura - Tiempo Animal - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

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