giovedì 20 febbraio 2014


Per essere più sicuri di poter continuare indisturbati le loro pratiche, i vivisezionisti si sono passati la parola d'ordine che occorre in prima linea combattere l'idea popolare che gli esperimenti procurano sofferenze agli animali; convincere l'opinione pubblica che le torture sono del tutto immaginarie, null'altro che fantasiose invenzioni di poche persone affette da una peculiare forma di pazzia o spinte da oscuri motivi.
Tale scopo è stato raggiunto in grado notevole, oltre che con la segretezza nella quale si svolgono gli esperimenti e l'omertà della categoria — che è assoluta, come in tutte le organizzazioni di persone che non si sentono a posto con la loro coscienza — anche con lo sbandieramento delle leggi sulla vivisezione, che suonano molto rassicuranti.
Hans Ruesch per l'Abolizione Della Vivisezione. Ora.

Informazioni scientifiche:


The main point is that we must attack vivisection on medical grounds and forget moral reasoning . For you know well the moral reasons , eg . the consideration of the sanctity of life or the topic of animal rights . All of this is our right but these slogans will always overwhelmed by fake slogans of our opponents who claim the alternative between a child or a dog. "You have to choose between a boy or a dog," and this false slogan ended up affecting all the medical setting of our two countries , yours and mine. (Hans Ruesch , 1984)

The modern movement antivivisectionist is not against the search is only against research on the animal not only for moral reasons but for reasons of medical science.
Research in animals has no scientific justification and therefore its practice constitutes a scientific fraud to two facts:

First the animals are not human beings and animals are always healthy second before the experiment .

Because the animals are not human beings with their problems are obviously different from ours. Their bodies are different , they are prone to diseases are different from ours and different reactions to medications . Furthermore, the fact that the animal is healthy before the experiment means that the disease or trauma must be induced by artificial means and violent , and therefore can never be equal to a disease that develops spontaneously in a human being. Logically, the results obtained in animals can not be applied to humans. The truth is that experimentation on animals can not work because it is based on false premises .

- Part 2 -



Hippocrates is considered the greatest physician of antiquity, and many consider him the greatest of modern times as well. Ever stronger currents today point toward a return to Hippocratic principles and wisdom, which Greece had probably adopted from Persia and India, where medical art and surgical science had always been very advanced.

Hippocrates lived in the Fifth Century B.C., and all historians concur that he taught more validly about epidemics, fever, epilepsy, fractures, the difference between malignant and benign tumors, health in general, and most of all the importance of hygiene and the ethical values in medicine.

A great clinician, he would observe the patient attentively and then help him to be cured by vis suprema guaritrix. Nature, the supreme healer. He laid utmost stress on hygiene and diet but used herbal medicines and surgery when necessary.

"Nature heals. The doctor's task consists in strengthening the natural healing powers, to direct them, and especially not to interfere with them. The dietetic treatment is the best. Through the food the power regenerates itself. Hippocratic dietetics reached a level that to our day merit our great admiration." (Grosse Aerzte, 6th ed., Lehmann, Munich, 1969, p. 28).



Scientific Information:


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